About Us

Sahitya Kuthi Publication is the best known Kolkata Booksellers and Publisher, operating since 1992. Mr. Jaydev Paul is our official founding father, owing to whom our publishing house could find a successful foundation step. After we have become successful as a two-generation enterprise, Mr. Sudipta Paul took over as the most profound successor and is a responsible owner for the last 5 – 6 years. Holding hands of Mr. Sudipta Paul, our book publishing house has taken incredible leaps. “Sishu RatnaSagar” and “Trishna Book House” are the together, run by same independent eminent producer.

Indeed, our established publication keeps up to the company rules and regulations – the vital documents are held by the company with care, the write-ups are carefully and sincerely done and maintained, which are even upgraded according to the trending syllabus. All the write-ups are based on the child's development.

Every step has taken, gifted our book publication house with a successful run. Thus, we take pride to say, we are the most eligible and progressive thriving towards a higher career with constant efforts.

We have just one tagline “Children deserve nothing but the very best!” With this tagline being our business guidance, Sishu RatnaSagar is the Kolkata's best Children's Books Publisher. Keeping up the uniqueness of having a grand design, production of great excellence and flexible style that our Sishu RatnaSagar is standing out in the competition.

A wide variety of study textbooks on Literature, History, Geography, Mathematics, Science, and Picture Books are published in English and Bengali languages. We are true friends to the children & students and concerned about their growing needs.

As a publication house, Sishu RatnaSagar has set a high standard for itself to promote well written and well-designed books for children in multiple Indian languages. Over the years, books of Sishu RatnaSagar have become a byword for quality and excellence. Sishu RatnaSagar is committed to provide per excellent services to its customers in the years to come as previouse.